You asked for it and now you get it – The Warm Audio Bus Compressor!

As you know Warm Audio makes high-quality reproductions of classic outboard recording gear – compressors, EQ, preamps and microphones. Over the past year, customers have been vigorously requesting they make a stereo bus compressor based on the highly acclaimed SSL bus comp. 


Soyuz Microphones have just released the eagerly anticipated Launcher.

After years of experimenting and fine-tuning, The Launcher has arrived!⁣⁣

What is Launcher?


Exciting news last week as our friends, Finnish Studio Monitor manufacturer, Genelec announced the release of 3 new products to their ONES family  – the 8351B, the 8361 and the W371A Adaptive Woofer.

Anasounds Effect Pedals

Who and What is Anasounds?

Anasounds is a young, boutique guitar pedal manufacturer in the sunny South of France. They may be small but they are making some big waves in the guitar pedal market. Anasounds was created in 2013 by Alexandre and Magali. Alexandre, an electronics engineer and passionate guitarist created his first pedal for his own need, the pedals then became popular and step by step the Anasounds company was established.


Audient has just released the 4.0.9 update for their SONO guitar based audio interface. What’s new?

Audient Nero // Everything you want from a MONITOR CONTROLLER!

The new Audient Nero could just be everything you ever wanted from a monitor controller.

Audient SONO Audio Interface for Guitarist

Are you a guitarist?
Do you want to record your guitar?
If the answer is yes than Audient has the ideal product for you – The Audient SONO.

Should I buy a WA-76 or WA-2A?

These two compressors are very different in the way they work and in the way they affect audio. In this article we’ll go through each compressor in detail to aid you in your choice.

Audient iD44 Or iD14 – Which One Should I Buy?

About 6 months ago audio Interface manufacturer Audient launched the latest in their iD series of USB Audio Interfaces, the Audient iD44. At face value this interface looks fairly similar to their popular and cheaper iD14 interface but there is a lot more under the hood than what you may see at first glance.

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