Warm Audio Silver Centavo Limited Edition – Professional Overdrive Pedal

Warm Audio have added a new colour to the popular Centavo Overdrive Pedal.

Warm Audio RINGERBRINGER and WARMBENDER Pedals Release

To kick off 2024 Warm Audio has release two exciting new pedals the Ringer Bringer and the Warm Bender. In true Warm Audio style both pedals have received the same high build and sound quality as all the other Warm Audio Pedal releases. Contact one of our exclusive authorised Warm Audio retailers here in Australia >>>

Warm Audio ODD BOX V1 and Mutation Phasor II

Warm Audio expands on their ever-growing Guitar Pedal range with two new additions; the ODD BOX V1 and the Mutation Phasor !! Let’s take a look.

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